Condensed Training Workshops and Lectures in Family Medicine
Prepared for: Health Assurance Hospitals Company (Dhaman), Kuwait
Prepared by: RRK Worldwide, USA
RRK worldwide. LLC. NY, USA was approached to provide training to groups of family doctors and GPs working at Dhaman to broaden their work and skills to include NCDs management, disease prevention, health education, and promotion.
The lead of the organization feels that the training will fill in gaps in the Evidence-based approach to disease management, clinical decision-making skills, as well as consultation and communication skills. The candidates therefore will benefit from condensed in-service training covering these areas.
By the end of their training, learners achieve the following specific objectives and competencies:
• To improve knowledge of chronic respiratory diseases and smoking trends and burdens
• To train physicians in the principles of chronic respiratory diseases and smoking cessation management and highlight the
opportunities for implementing both primary and secondary prevention within day-to-day clinical practice.• To identify EBM definition, steps, and barriers.
• To discuss the basis of the development of PG and protocols required for the implementation of a set of essential chronic respiratory diseases and smoking cessation interventions.
• To incorporate evidence-based guidelines for preventive medicine and improvement of individual outcomes - SKILLS:
• Apply 4 steps for evidence-based practice.
• Adapt and produce local practice guidelines.
• Use spirometer and peak flow meter effectively.
• Adopt behavioral theory for the change in smoking cessation.
• Interpret X-ray (primary care level)
• Essential technical aspects of ECG recordings
• Identify main ECG abnormalities caused by myocardial infarction, chamber enlargements, supra-ventricular tachyarrhythmias, and ventricular tachyarrhythmias
• Interpretation of common non-cardiac ECG abnormalities - Attitude
Communicate effectively with individuals, patients, and colleagues regardless of their social, cultural, or background. - Subjects covered:
• Evidence-based medicine basis, definition, and steps.
• Basic elements and technical aspects of ECG - How to interpret ECG sinus rhythm
• Dysrhythmias
• A-V conduction defects
• ECG in various heart diseases
• Smoking cessation: change theory, consultations, and interventions.
• Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)management
• Use and interpretation of spirometers, peak flow meters
• X-rays - TARGET GROUP:
The training is intended to train 15- 25 care providers, family medicine specialists, general practitioners, internists, and other nonfamily medicine specialized doctors.
Training Methods and Tools
• Interactive illustrated presentations
• Case scenarios and case studies
• Simulations and role plays
• Virtual Lectures
Facilities Required
Training hall/ Video-conferencing tool - Evaluation (needed for certification)
• Attendance: 90 % at least with active participation
• Pre and post-exam, MCQ and OSPE -
What specific job-related skills have you learned?
BETTER PAIN MANAGEMENT TO MY PATIENT, It was a great session of an overview of primary care pain management and specifics learned, including:
1. at what point in the care to refer the patient.
2. Recognizing possible addicted patients and promptly referring them for help to addiction specialists.
3. It was an eye-opener to know that even at the point of referral, primary care pain management is still part of the overall care of the patient and not tossed aside by the specialist. A multifactorial approach to pain management, Pain management made easy, The lecture was mainly for Family Medicine. Therefore, I enjoyed for my general knowledge but it is not that helpful for my practice as a pediatrician, how to manage pain in primary care, types of pain, and pain management protocol. -
Upon your return to your department, how will you intend to apply them?
I will apply what I learned in the lecture, be Able to create a better plan for the treatment of pain, and All the
guidelines on when to refer to specialists. , I WILL MANAGE MY PATIENTS MORE EFFECTIVELY
ACCORDING TO SEVERITY OF PAIN, I intend to apply all the principles of pain management in the
course of my practice starting from proper reassessment of pain for the patient seen and prompt intervention
where the pain is severe. , I will apply them during managing my patient. , I will assess all my patients for pain.
, I will treat my patient as what was learned.